Cecelia Anne Hill

Born in 1922, CECELIA ANNE HILL attended Salem College in Winston Salem and left North Carolina to work one year as an assistant in a New York City chemistry laboratory. After one year, Cecelia entered nursing school at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Richmond, VA, which included six months training at John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD, in obstetrics and pediatrics. After graduation, she worked in pediatrics at several hospitals. “Being very impressed with Barclay Sheaks’ work in art, I was lucky to be accepted in some of his classes. It was most helpful. My art talent blossomed under his instruction,” Hill said. The majority of her work features rural settings, but she also has painted scenes in Turkey, Spain and other countries. Her resume includes exhibitions at Virginia Beach Art Show; NC Art Museum; Virginia Museum of Fine Arts in Richmond, VA; Chrysler Museum’s Irene Leach Invitational Art Show; Salem College; Madison Square Garden Art Show in New York; Virginia Wesleyan College; Fine Art Show at Pitt Memorial Hospital in Greenville; Solo Art Show at the University Club in Washington, DC; New England Fine Art Institute in Boston, MA; and many shows in Manteo and Nags Head on the Outer Banks.

