On November 29, 2012, as part of its 50th anniversary celebration, Art in Embassies (AIE), U.S. Department of State, joined with the Aspen Institute, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center to present a conversation with the five recipients of the Medal of Arts, awarded by […]
On November 29, 2012, as part of its 50th anniversary celebration, Art in Embassies (AIE), U.S. Department of State, joined with the Aspen Institute, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, and the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center to present a conversation with the five recipients of the Medal of Arts, awarded by […]
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton delivers remarks at the Art in Embassies 50th Anniversary Luncheon at the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C. on November 30, 2012.
Jim Drain shares some images with Art in Embassies, of the process up until casting of the new sculpture for the U.S. Embassy in Rabat. The images were taken from his time with RISD students throughout the process.
Brice Marden inaugurated the “American Artist Lecture Series” at the Tate Modern Museum in London on May 14, 2012. He is shown speaking with Marjorie Susman, wife of U.S. Ambassador to the UK Louis Susman, about the “ART in Embassies” (AIE) exhibition of modern art at Winfield House, the Ambassador’s official residence in London. In […]
Brice Marden inaugurated the “American Artist Lecture Series” at the Tate Modern Museum in London on May 14, 2012. He is shown speaking with Marjorie Susman, wife of U.S. Ambassador to the UK Louis Susman, about the “ART in Embassies” (AIE) exhibition of modern art at Winfield House, the Ambassador’s official residence in London. In […]
The AIE American Artists Lecture Series, a three year programmatic collaboration among Art in Embassies, the Tate Modern Museum, and Embassy London – building relationships and sharing ideas in support of cultural diplomacy. This inaugural lecture features internationally regarded artist Brice Marden.
Visiting artist and RISD alum Jim Drain is leading a class of ten RISD students to design a sculpture for the outside of the new U.S. embassy in Morocco. See more at http://www.RIMonthly.com.