

The New York Times – The Art of Welcome

“One day I’m going to wake up and say, ‘Where is the Calder?” – Jane D. Hartley, the United States ambassador to France,was joking about the monumental sculpture “Five Empties,” which is on loan from the Calder Foundation at her Paris residence. Tucked away on one side of the Hôtel de Pontalba’s verdant garden, the […]

Contemporary Conversations: Who is the late Anne Chu?

On September 29, the Embassy of the United States in Ottawa and the U.S. Department of State’s Office of Art in Embassies,in partnership with the National Gallery of Canada, will close the 2016 season of the Contemporary Conversations series with a presentation on the work of recently deceased American artist Anne Chu. Contemporary Conversations (#artconvoAIE), […]
Julieta Valls Noyes

Gloria Magazine – Julieta Valls Noyes, U.S. Ambassador to Zagreb

American Ambassador exclusively for “Gloria” presents the art collection which she selected for her Zagreb residence together with State Department curators, but the most important advisor in forming the collection was her mom. To all those who for the first time visit the residence of Julieta Valls Noyes, the U.S. Ambassador to Croatia, the hostess […]
Nepali Times - Artists in Residence

Nepali Times – Artists in Residence

Nepali Times – Every piece tells a story and you can relate to it despite being a Nepali or an American. In the small hallway connecting two wings of US Ambassador Alaina B Teplitz’s living room in Kathmandu hangs Shannon Szczekot’s colour photograph of prayer flags hovering against a backdrop of a blue sky in […]

Montreal Gazette Theaster Gates

The Embassy of the United States in Ottawa and the U.S. Department of State's Office of Art in Embassies, in partnership with the National Gallery of Canada, will welcome internationally renowned American artist Theaster Gates on May 12th as the second speaker in the 2016 Contemporary Conversations series.

El Pais – A Muse for two artists – Time

El Pais: Babelia – A Muse for two artists: Time.  Photographer Catherine Opie and painter Philip Taaffe, whose pieces hang in the most prestigious U.S. institutions, talk about their way of working and about the role of art in society. Rut de las Heras Bretin – There is a slice of America in the heart […]

Town&Country – State Craft

A group of iconoclastic African-American artists are getting their work on walls around the world - and access to an international audience of millions. The radical patron behind it all? The U.S. State Department. Usually the term art world is a grandiose touch, a misnomer that really means, depending on the circumstances, famous artists and […]

Ottawa Citizen – Kiki Smith, Wide Awake and making art

Ottawa Citizen – When I phone Kiki Smith in New York City she is asleep and misses the call, which makes my opening question — do you ever sleep? — either prescient or unnecessary. Like so much with Smith’s work, it’s open to interpretation. The question is inspired by Smith’s output. The 62-year-old artist, who […]

Kuwait News Agency

Kuwait News Agency – The US Ambassador to Kuwait H.E. Douglas Silliman has recently hosted an art exhibition at his residence in the US embassy, showcasing a various collection of artworks by contemporary American artists to the Kuwaiti public. The event, which took place Tuesday evening as part of the US Department of State’s Art […]

Financial Times – When an embassy becomes an art gallery

Financial Times – Dignitaries visiting the new US embassy in Nine Elms, south London, which is due for completion in late 2016, will encounter a commanding, site-specific work that is America incarnate. Los Angeles-based artist Mark Bradford’s work, “The Constitution”, will span 32 canvases and cover the embassy atrium. This gargantuan, patriotic piece will incorporate […]
London rendering

The – Portland artist’s work going into diplomatic service in Azerbaijan – Receiving an email asking for personal belongings to be sent to Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan, is unusual. But last October that’s exactly what happened to Rush Brown, a local artist and retired teacher. As it turns out, Brown has a fan living in Baku: Robert Cekuta, U.S. ambassador to Azerbaijan. “This […]

GMA News Online – Ambassador Goldberg invites Filipinos to join US Embassy art contest

GMA News Online – US Ambassador Philip S. Goldberg gave an online tour of his official residence in Manila in a video posted by the US Embassy on Tuesday. In the video, Goldberg talked about the artworks on the residence’s walls, saying that as a fun part of his or her job, every US Ambassador […]
Athena Magcase-Lopez, Weaver in a Cave, 2007, Oil on canvas, Courtesy of the artist, Morris Plains, New Jersey
Dan Namingha in Santiago

PDAmericas: Promoting Native American Culture

PDAmericas – Arts in Embassies: Promoting Native American Culture – Hopi-Tewa artist Dan Namingha travelled to Chile to carry out a three day program and officially launch the Arts in Embassies catalogue. Dan Namingha has been showing professionally as an artist for over 40 years. His works reflect respect for his ancestry, his homeland, and […] – Art in Embassies Contemporary Conversations: Stephen Wilkes – The U.S. Department of State’s Office of Art in Embassies, in partnership with the National Gallery of Canada (NGC) and the U.S. Embassy Ottawa, will welcome renowned American artist Stephen Wilkes for the fourth lecture in the Contemporary Conversations series on November 19. Contemporary Conversations (#artconvoAIE) brings internationally recognized American artists to Canada […]
Stephen Wilkes, Presidential Inauguration, Day to Night, 2013, Archival Digital Type-C print on Acrylic [Edition #4/30], Courtesy of the artist, Westport, Connecticut

U.S. Embassy Ankara – From Your Perspective

U.S. Embassy Ankara – Sence/From Your Perspective is about you – it is about what you see and what you experience.  For all of us,  how we see the world around us begins with where we stand, our past experiences, our perceptions, our interpretations, and our beliefs.   With this exhibition through a variety of mediums, […]

Indian Country Today Media Network – Art in Embassies, Dr. Jill Biden and Vice President Biden Honor 5 Native Artists

Indian Country Today Media Network – Art in Embassies, Dr. Jill Biden and Vice President Biden Honor 5 Native Artists at the VP’s Home – Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, honored five Native American and Alaskan Native artists last night in a reception at their home in Washington DC. In […]
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