Medal of Art awardees with Secretary Kerry

Washington Post

Washington Post – Seven artists awarded State Department Medal of Arts for cultural diplomacy – Architect Maya Lin and portraitist Kehinde Wiley are among the seven artists to be honored with the 2014 Department of State Medal of Arts for their efforts to promote cultural understanding through art.

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Washington Post – Seven artists awarded State Department Medal of Arts for cultural diplomacy – Architect Maya Lin and portraitist Kehinde Wiley are among the seven artists to be honored with the 2014 Department of State Medal of Arts for their efforts to promote cultural understanding through art.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry will award the medals to Lin, Wiley, Xu Bing, Mark Bradford, Sam Gilliam, Julie Mehretu and Pedro Reyes at a luncheon Wednesday at the State Department.

The artists are being saluted for their commitment and contribution to the State Department’s Art in Embassies program, a private public diplomatic effort that uses visual art to promote cross cultural understanding and collaboration.

The previous is an excerpt from a Washington Post Article by Peggy McGlone. For the full article visit:

AuthorWashington Post
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