AIE walkthrough Wellington

Exhibition walk through of the U.S. Ambassador's residence in Wellington New Zealand, 2011

Full Transcript

0:00 well old
0:05 revision to the residence
0:07 you see nancy’s lace makers sky at this is on the face painting to put out we
0:12 knew it was going on this location
0:14 Hazard Perry bold feel and the gold really comes out
0:18 I’m
0:20 at night
0:22 in your eyes slid straight over to the lounge area am
0:26 to Saudi is work cheney and which is a standout work
0:30 and am really is really nice
0:34 prisons space we tried something radical we head
0:39 and Christine shit work which is a very small work
0:42 was one work that day david was expecting to be a lot larger than it was
0:47 say you would walk and single he is weird
0:50 she said a beautiful am middle-sized
0:55 middle large-size where
0:58 looks very comfortable spacing issues interesting small work
1:02 it seems like he added place and then you turn around an easy a massive
1:06 wall-sized in an race Cheltenham sex
1:10 because the spacecraft clicked in my head
1:14 a number of
1:16 quite loud works
1:18 we want to use those two to the greatest fit wanna which was making stills
1:23 which has dirt floors and kinda I’m oranges and blues
1:27 and it and accept on the fringes the
1:30 lands because it was headquartered visual presence
1:34 it works very well on in a
1:36 understated position
1:38 in the library we’ve got angered by birds horses on
1:42 crown to set between the two windows DC immediately actual
1:47 am
1:47 it’s headed for Flex them in size and in intensity of the light as well see
1:52 very bright windows heard bright photographed
1:58 and often corner against the bright rich background
2:01 we had no so-called assemblage where’d which
2:05 tagged
2:07 is very pale in color and has a very
2:10 texted surface tearing the sculptural work
2:13 it’s quite small we want to really make much to the state
2:16 because its cultural and has an even outline having the high contrast
2:21 background
2:22 and makes reblogged
2:25 one work we were look confused about at one it works it was going to be in the
2:29 lounge into
2:30 getting murdered was depends where had
2:33 White House which we found it worked perfectly
2:37 over the grand piano now when we placed advancing to
2:41 immediately set it looked as though dissident
2:44 like musical notes emanating terminal gallantly
2:48 at the panic which is always really affected well
2:54 the next room we’ve got nathan’s work which is at really quite incredible when
2:59 we’ve pulled out of the box I was expecting it to be about
3:02 half the size had its huge
3:05 and them when I think that is after insane the residents
3:08 d am took took a still
3:13 from the dining room where he was intending to place the way
3:17 and painted that into his painting
3:20 and added some elements have
3:23 parents and sister million element other paintings
3:27 into the environment %um walk down the hallway
3:30 and to your right as the baja that’s where my work has ended up
3:34 and my my work when I Senate now with the other works didn’t
3:38 work color wise and every strikeout
3:42 a with quite vibrant
3:45 pitbull and at very fluorescent
3:48 yell I’m hard
3:52 said it worked really well in the bob has times based
3:56 it was a question is it never works
4:00 but there’s also some head this intriguing icon feel
4:03 single character singled
4:07 and into the background
4:09 and picture draws the eye
4:12 didn’t its intended world
4:15 steny by pop to
4:19 questions
4:20 pavilion was
4:22 the most interesting space to for towns and
4:25 it was the last one rigged
4:28 up to
4:29 were love discussions about I lines that how you into the space
4:34 how we would make it to hear and what we ended up doing was actually creating
4:38 three separate spaces within the
4:41 they had Jay in Lee’s work a mountain and which was gonna be sent
4:46 in the middle of the road
4:48 we found it actually worked based this Britain’s allies payment
4:53 where as a soda
4:54 false window
4:56 am
4:58 we found
5:01 the best idea pavilion was too arrange the furniture so created miniature
5:06 rooms within the room h1 centered around painting
5:09 and having a painting angered between active
5:14 ceilings taken to a
5:15 showing strength
5:18 the banking sector betweens so it doesn’t mental
5:22 aggressions room you have they will always feels that a
5:29 Kallis workers really vibrant and giving it a central location
5:33 where the bright light on it would love
5:37 open space really made the most red remain
5:40 home
5:41 we were originally intended for that to be in the hallway I but with him
5:45 13 had to work missile scale me so I how
5:48 how much the colors part I really felt like it was lost
5:52 and in the hallway
5:53 you may need to build see it from from a distance
5:56 and then finally had something since
6:00 which was one that really intrigued me John
6:03 all John Johnson’s work hazard
6:06 really clever approach p.m.
6:10 pains he paints landscapes
6:13 in around an architectural to reveal an actual
6:17 for that one
6:20 never there was an end it was very interesting brown
6:23 Dame at this works best and
6:27 at the Pavilion with a tactical forms
6:30 it seems really liked
6:33 to the lines in the pavilion which was very geometric
6:38 it has a conceptual is to it this is a bit accommodations
6:42 it
6:44 old