Soeki Irodikromo

We are truly a melting pot of cultures! We are a country where people accept each other for what they are, better still, we are a country where people share and represent each other’s cultural riches. We are rich because we are becoming one people without denying our cultural heritage. And that makes me happy. It confirms all I believe in!” The riches that Soeki Irodikromo experiences, Suriname’s riches, radiate throughout his art. Details of Suriname’s varied cultural expressions, details that elude most of us in the rush of every day: costumes and masks, crowns and women, animals and figures, jewels and wayang images. Simple details, yet with very complex and rich histories. People that move to the age old rhythms brought to Suriname from all over the world by our ancestors and tuned to fit our new beat, the beat that we are dancing to together.

Soeki Irodikromo is a very well known and much appreciated Surinamese artist who portrays his ideals in different types of art such as colorful paintings large and small, ceramics and also in Batik. Inspired by artwork Cobra-expressionism and Indonesian mythology, Irodikromo establishes his own vocabulary in his series of abstracted ceramics

