Peg Bruhn

“I was born in 1941 in Richmond, Virginia, and moved often, as my father was transferred by IBM, and later, when my husband was reassigned by the Air Force. These many moves have left me with an awareness of place which I think contributes to my love of painting the landscape. Making art has been a lifelong pursuit, one to which I have returned again and again after exploring other possibilities. I attended Rhode Island School of Design, and graduated with
a Bachelor of Science degree in Art Education from State University of New York, New Paltz, and a Master of Arts degree in Art Therapy from George Washington University, Washington, D.C. I have studied painting with a number of teachers, most recently in the Art League School in Alexandria, Virginia.

In 1984 I left my job in mental health to do my own art full time. While studying with landscape painter Mike Francis, I discovered the joy of painting outdoors. After ten years of painting from observation on site in the mountains of Virginia and the area near my home, I began working primarily in my studio, combining my visual memory with my sketches and photography. I was juried into the Torpedo Factory Art Center
in Alexandria, Virginia, in 1994. Since then I have maintained a studio there. I think of my work as sharing my experience of places I have been.” – Peg Bruhn

