Norma Moore

Hiking with camera in tow, more often than not the lens is aimed at the ground. The ground’s ever changing surface exposes the cycle of life and death as the earth transitions from season to season. A quiet, dynamic force is always present.

Its intimacy is much more complex than traditional panoramic scenes that include a distant view with a horizon line separating the land and sky lending the viewer to feel a larger encompassing view of space/nature. By focusing on the space under our feet I am able to explore the transformations of this biological ecosystem.

There is an interplay between consciousness and the natural world.The reality is that there is no separation between the world and ourselves. Our culture and our use of language continues to remind us that we are external observers, but the physical reality is that we are the same atomic structure and properties found in the pecan trees, grackles and the moon. We are not at the center of the universe but a small part of a continuum of expressions. This sense of being a part but not the center of activity is most evident to me when I am painting.
