Michele Lasker

Unique experiences have created a fascinating world of color and design for me as I implement my impressions through the medium of fiber. Once a volunteer in an inner city evening arts program in Boston, an Artist in the Public Schools teaching Color and Design in Tulsa, and a Gifted and Talented teacher focusing on Arts Education and Asia, art has always been part of my existence. Now as a fiber artist I am seeking unique ways to integrate color, pattern, and design through the texture of fiber.

I am particularly interested in patterns in nature and shades of color. Taking those patterns and seeing how they are used in architecture and object design I am constantly opening up to new inspirations. Walking The Great Wall, studying the hand-chiseled designs on the doors of La Sagrada Familia, or climbing The Acropolis to see the statuesque columns of the Parthenon, I have experienced many visual images firsthand. Working with hand-dyed fibers I enjoy seeing how light plays off of these surfaces. Nuances of color are enhanced with hand embroidery and beading, overlaid with manipulated fibers for dimension, and complemented with resist techniques and mixed-media. Freeform knitting and crochet are being enhanced with batik, hand embroidery, and beading. My travels throughout the world have shown me the synchronicity between different countries and cultures with similar approaches to fiber, miles apart and separated by centuries. I am most intrigued by that historical and contemporary context.
