Linda Kim

Fiber artist Linda M. Kim combines her affections for textiles, found and recycled materials, and her concerns as a woman, parent, immigrant and American.
She’s inspired by the American history of patchwork quilting. So as not to waste a single fabric scrap, remnant pieces were sewn together in thoughtful designs — utilitarian yet imaginative and deeply personal. She makes art quilts for its inherent storytelling quality, tactile appeal, and the extended connections to women’s history, resilience, and community.
The method that best describes her art practice is bricolage — a French term that means making do with what is at hand. In order to use up the odds and ends around her, a diverse range of unconventional materials make their way into her projects.
Linda’s work has been juried into national and international exhibitions. Her awards include Best in Show at Downtowner Gallery in Round Rock, Texas, and Most Innovative Use of Material at Quilt National ‘21 in Athens, Ohio. Her work is in private and museum collections. She is based in Austin, Texas.
