Kristin Herzog

Florida artist Kristin Herzog grew up on the coast of Massachusetts and began painting before she started school.
She launched her adult career as one of very few women draughtsmen for civil engineering companies before moving to New York City to begin training as a publication designer at the School of Visual Arts. Over time she moved around the country, teaching at Indiana University, becoming Design Director for the Phi Delta Kappan Magazine, and Art Director for the Dayton Daily News in Ohio before joining the faculty at the University of Florida.
Herzog studied drawing and painting at Sweet Briar College with Loren Oliver, where she graduated cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa. She also took classes with Bauhaus artist Kurt Kranz in Hamburg, Germany. Her MFA is from George Washington University.
Her current work ranges from non-representational to abstract, often with a landscape or vegetative reference. Herzog enjoys traveling frequently to residencies in the US and abroad. Her work has been juried into over 85 regional, national and international shows and has won two awards from The Artist’s Magazine. In 2017 she accompanied one of her paintings to an international show in China.
Herzog paints every day and lives with the requisite two cats and an undetermined number of alligators in Naples, Florida.
