Kelly Neidig

I was born in Coraopolis, a small borough of Pittsburgh, PA. Fortunately my grandparents lived out in the country, so most of my memories are of the long car rides I spent staring out the window watching the landscape zoom by. When I wasn’t daydreaming or out playing in the woods, I would sit next to my Pap at the dining room table and draw. In 1997 I attended the Pennsylvania State University as a Landscape Architecture student. I spent two years learning how to create and interpret the environment before my desire for art led me to the Integrative Arts program. I was able to use my Landscape background as a foundation for a degree in Art. After graduation I moved to Phoenix, AZ and spent 3 ½ years exploring the southwest and gaining inspiration from the vast open desert. In 2005 my longing for rain, grass and trees led me to the Portland, OR. Here, I am an active member of the local art community and a participant in several charity events. Elements of the Pacific Northwest strongly appear in my paintings, yet they also reflect colors and memories from all the place I has lived and traveled.
