Josie Merck

Josie Merck was born in Canada. As a child she lived in Mexico and Brazil and grew up with a love of art and nature. She has been making landscapes the subject of her paintings for a number of years.She continually investigates new possibilities through materials and their juxtapositons and works in a variety of formats.

Merck studied painting at Skowhegan School in Maine, the Art Students’ League, Sarah Lawrence College with Kurt Roesch and received her MFA from Yale University School of Art where she worked with Bernard Chaet, Robert Reed, and John Walker. She has had 14 one-person shows and participated in a number of group shows in the last 10 years at the Encore and Island Galleries on Block Island, RI, the Piermont Flywheel Gallery, in Piermont, NY, and at the Atlantic Gallery in New York. She has also exhibited her work in invitational and juried shows at the Butler Gallery, Marymount College, the Flinn Gallery, Greenwich, CT; and won awards at the New England Annual, Silvermine Guild, Norwalk, CT, and the National Academy of Design, New York, NY.

She lives and works in Connecticut and Rhode Island.
