Joshua Adams

Joshua Adams works predominantly in the medium of wood sculpture, but includes stone carvings, paintings, photography, molding, 3D printing, pottery and videography in his portfolio. His work has been shown in several shows throughout the world. He is a proud member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, as well as an alumni of Western Carolina University. He is also a member of the esteemed Qualla Arts and Crafts Cooperative .

Adams most recently received a 1st place ribbon in the Sculpture division at the 2016 SWAIA Santa Fe Indian Market. Joshua also received two awards at the 2016 Cherokee Art Market, including the Culture Keeper Award and Best of Class in the Sculpture Division. Previously, he placed 1st at the 2015 SWAIA Indian Market in Diverse Arts and was also awarded two first place ribbons at the 2015 Cherokee Indian Fair for his entries in painting and traditional masks. His work was also chosen for the Art in Embassies project and is currently on display at the Tanzanian Embassy.

Adams is part of a long lineage of Cherokee woodcarvers, starting with his great aunt and uncle James and Irma Bradley. Joshua also had the privilege to study under renowned Cherokee artist Dr. James Bud Smith and was directly influenced by legendary Cherokee artists Amanda Crowe and John Julius Wilnoty.
