Jorge Luis Bernal

Jorge Luis Bernal is an artist best known for his non-representational visual language painting of form, color and line. He investigates and creates compositions that exist with a degree of independence from the world of visual reference. His work is narrative and often references elements of architecture flowing from his architectural training. Jorge creates abstract representations of reality, imagination and cultural critiques, often-transparent forms referencing the landscape. He investigates the relationships of human emotions, history and universality.

Bernal was born in Havana, raised in Jersey City and attended art school in South Florida. He received his MFA in architecture from Virginia Tech and a BFA from Florida International University in ceramics and art history. He spent most of his earlier career practicing architecture, teaching college, high school and exhibiting nationally. Jorge has worked in clay, glass and jewelry. Most recently he has been focusing on cold wax painting and encaustic monotypes, which have received numerous awards.
