Joonwon Lee

My primary objective is to create physically tangible imaginary or invisible belongings. I have been thinking about how material characteristics are revealed while adhering to their own particular attributes. In order to achieve this goal, my works have been focused on expressing this idea by utilizing personal belongings I believe essential.

My materials and methods are a result of conscious desire to show respect to stitches themselves. My obsession is to make stitches art making material. This obsession comes from a kind of sympathy for the poor thread that is always secondary to the fabric surface. Stitching does hard work in support of the fabric, but the fabric doesn’t return the favor.

The repetition in a singular form has been my main methodology to present and emphasize the movement in silence. An accumulation of mute singular forms is intended to reflect evidence of everyday life. I am now trying to link the intangible subject matter by exploring of the intersection between emotional and spiritual states of mind with the personal memories.

