John Mydock

Growing up in Miami with a woodworker, boat-builder God-father, I was exposed to excellence and attention to detail that continues to challenge me as I strive to improve my craft. My love of working with wood, combined with 40 years as a professional artist have brought me to my current passion of placing the “Mydock Touch” on these wooden vessels.
Studying in Hawaii under Master Woodturners Elmer Adams, David Marks, Mike Mahoney, Jimmy Clewes, Graeme Priddle and Jacques Vesery has provided the framework for understanding this amazingly addictive art form. After turning a vessel, I choose between two finishing techniques. The more traditional approach is to soak it in a custom oil based finish that is then buffed and waxed. The second and more complex process is to airbrush the vessel with multiple layers of high quality catalyzed polyurethane each buffed and highly polished to a mirror finish. Embedded within these layers are various embellishments – a blush of pearlized color, sometimes enhanced with a pinstriped gold leaf ring. I also enjoy incorporating Hawaiian petroglyphs on the inside or outside of the bowl, which are either painted or burned into the wood.
I live on the “Big Island” of Hawaii in my studio home with my wife, surrounded by family and Artist friends, where it is second nature to “breathe in Inspiration, breathe out Creativity.”
