Joel Allen

Steamboat Springs, Colorado artist, Joel S. Allen has taken a long and circuitous route to finding his passion for making. Having had no previous art experience or training, in 2001, Joel completed his Master of Fine Arts from Washington State University at the age of 41. Today, this full-time artist and two-time grandfather relies heavily on his diverse life and work experiences to create his work. Joel draws on his eclectic background of skill collecting with experiences in construction, drilling, construction materials inspection, bartending, crystal growing, iridium welding, night club management, newspaper advertising and teaching. Joel’s current hand-wrapped fiber work recalls the care and precision he associates with his childhood love of fishing in eastern Washington and Montana. “It wasn’t merely about the act of catching for me. Even as a kid, I was focused on preparation, process and execution. My tackle box was something to behold.” Joel continues to develop his unique skills and techniques for precision wrapping and building form through layering line upon line. He enjoys teaching, traveling and inspiring others to make.

