Jill Le Croissette

Jill Le Croissette was born in Australia, came to this country in her early twenties, and has been a U.S. citizen for many years. She now enjoys living in San Diego County, California.

Jill has been a full-time studio artist since 1982, following a long career as an academic and special librarian. Her art has been juried into over 120 national, international and regional exhibits, of which more than 40 included other forms of visual art. Her work has won 18 awards and prizes and has appeared in many books, magazines, video recordings and newspapers. She has published seven articles about quilts and related subjects. She has had one two-person and seven solo exhibits and has been included in numerous local group shows with other visual artists. One of her quilts was accepted by the Art in Embassies Program of the U.S. State Department and was installed in the U.S. Ambassador’s residence in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.

Jill’s quilts are in private collections in the U.S.A., Australia, France, Spain, Sweden and the U.K. She is a juried professional member of Studio Art Quilt Associates and belongs to the Alliance for American Quilts, American Quilters Society, American Quilt Study Group, International Quilt Association, Surface Design Association, Embroiderers Guild U.K. and the Australian Forum for the Textile Arts.

Jill supports Quilt Visions/Quilt San Diego and is a member of the Exhibits Committee of the Visions Art Museum, San Diego CA. She belongs to several local quilt and visual art groups, including the Artist Alliance of the Oceanside Museum of Art.
