James Butler

“Baton Rouge, Louisiana, is one of the chief ports of the United States, although it is eighty miles northwest of New Orleans. Traveling from this point south, one is continually confronted by the paradox of such things as cows and horses grazing on levees with ocean-going tankers behind them, chemical and petroleum plants lining the river’s edge, and the beautiful light and landscape of the South contrasted with the industrial blight built into it. I was struck by Man’s optimistic attempt to live and deal with this on a daily basis. The images of this triptych came from on, under, and near the Route 190 Bridge just north of the towering state capitol of Baton Rouge. The triptych is my response to my feelings when traveling through this area.”
– James D. Butler

The large-scale panoramas of James Butler introduce the viewer to the rolling landscapes of rural America. These welcoming hilltop vistas possess regional charm and unfold into gentle, storybook scenes. They can be found in over 150 public and private collections, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Whitney Museum of Art, both in New York City; the Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois; the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Pennsylvania; and the Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, Ohio, among others.

Information supplied by the artist James D. Butler and

