Glenda Taylor

Glenda Taylor, a lifelong Kansan, is Professor and Chair of Art and teaches courses in ceramics, sculpture and art education. “My first art experiences involved digging clay in my dad’s pasture and trying to make things out of it. I’m still trying to express ideas in clay, and much of the inspiration for my art comes from the land around me.” Her current ceramic sculpture involves both wall forms and free-standing pieces which are part of her “Prairie Memories” series. These forms invoke both personal memories of particular places or people and a general sense of past geologic eras. Some pieces utilize tornado forms to represent powerful agents of change or strong personalities. Taylor also continues an interest developed in adolescence of creating beautiful, utilitarian ceramic vessels. “The pragmatic nature of early Kansans was an important part of my family tradition. I’m sure my grandfather’s philosopy of ‘No work – No eat’ influenced my interest in making useful art.” Finding validity in Kansas sources for personal expression was an important revelation in Taylor’s artistic development. “Both universality and uniqueness are important to artistic expression, and Kansas can provide both.” The Washburn Center for Kansas Studies can help provide support and exposure for artists who explore the meaning of life on the plains.

