Geoffrey Pagen

There is obviously an affinity for Abstract Expressionism and painterly designs and the desire for simple geometric shapes in my work. The influence of nature and geology are prevalent. Complex texture, patterns of uncertain origin, and the identity of clay are my main concerns. Yet these simple compositions become departure points for an extraordinary range of surface treatments, from the austere to the indulgent. My commissioned projects for the public and private sector truly span a global context. Having created over 100 site specific and sensitive projects throughout the United States and abroad. During a commissioned project, I bring a high standard of creative problem solving to each project, and understand that a fulfillment of sound strategy and solid objectives are the keys to a successful work of Art.

How can I make objects as strong in scale and as magnificent as an alpine lake surrounded by slabs of granite that weigh 10,000 pounds, that are as big as a house or a street? How does one capture the rhythms of the external world… the compelling relationships between proportion and energy, paring them down to fundamental shapes to make sensuous use of them, the economical essence of the beautiful.. modular forms that occur through change, through repetition, inversion, symmetry and transposition?