Frank Connet

Chicago based artist Frank Connet specializes in traditional indigo dying. A lifelong interest in traditional textile techniques led him to explore the Japanese sewn and clamped dye resist techniques of shibori and itajami as
a starting point for his art.

Connet’s abstract compositions are inspired by a wide and disparate range of natural phenomenon. The patterns formed by rivers, shifting sands and the unfurling of a leaf are all implied in both the large scale hangings and the sculptural
three dimensional work. Although the work may be about a specific object or place, the concern is an attempt to capture a memory of a moment in time: the glimpse of sunset through a thick dark forest, or the play of leaves on an autumn creek or the patterns of sand in a tidal basin. The continuing amazement of the constantly changing natural world provides a constant source of inspiration.
The irregular yet controlled patterning created by the shibori technique becomes a perfect metaphor for the patterns and cycles found in nature-a constant and profound source of inspiration.

Connet earned his BFA at the Kansas City Art Institute, His work is included in numerous public and private collections.
