Flo Kemp

My work, both in the etching and also with the oils, reflects my quiet personality. Be it a land or a seascape, my etchings and oils are serene, reflective, subtle and simple in design.

I received my Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s in the Liberal Arts (Spanish, English and Education); but, once I discovered the artistic process, I never returned to teaching. I now “do” art full time and market my etchings and oils across the country.

I market my work full time, worldwide and I have affiliations with many galleries. I have received numerous awards in Graphics and even Best of Show in 2 Dimensional Work at the prestigious Ann Arbor State Street Festival in July 2000. The 2001 January issue of the Journal of Forestry magazine featured a Flo Kemp etching on its cover. I also was selected to participate in the Arts in Embassies Program sponsored by the Department of State and now have two etchings in Taipei. I am an active member of the National Association of Women Artist and the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club in Manhattan. I am also listed in Who’s Who in American Art.
