Eugenie Torgerson

Eugenie Torgerson makes mixed media pieces and book objects in her studio in southwest rural Michigan. She uses pastel drawings, digital assemblages, maps, and text, working with traditional studio materials and contemporary digital scanners, films, and printers. Her work combines photographs of buildings, fires, fields, and the hard floor of the old school building where she lives. This concrete surface is a map of sorts– of floor tiles gone missing, spilled paint, children’s footsteps, and the gravity of plain building materials. She prints these images on paper or transfer films and works into them with pastel and acrylic. Next the sewing: using Japanese paper cords, bookbinding thread, and baling wire , she translates the image into a fragment of a map, the lost lines of a letter, a broken yet true memory. Into and over these marks and surfaces, she applies encaustic that builds up around and sometimes overcomes the images, the sewing, and the careful plan.
