Eleanor Kerr

I photograph as a way of traversing the invisible bridge between what is there and what else is there. Most of us have encountered a moment or a place in which the layers obscuring nature’s mysteries seem a bit thinner than elsewhere. Such places draw me in, encouraging me to linger and feel. Often compelled to return to the same subject again and again, new truths await at each visit, nature’s answers immutable yet kaleidoscopic. My photographs explore a nature that speaks simultaneously of ephemera and permanence, passages and sanctuary, reflections and revelations. They are signposts, reminders, and guides to the experiences possible when we are truly still.

In an increasingly digital age, I remain committed to silver based materials and the craft of the wet darkroom. I work with metal-based materials, using a 4×5 Deardorff view camera and printing with traditional, wet darkroom processes. For me, the contemplative stance stimulated by use of these materials as well as the intimate, hands-on connection they foster between the artist and the subject matter, are a vital part of the process in executing my vision.


Eleanor Owen Kerr has studied privately with internationally renowned photographer, Paul Caponigro. Kerr’s photographs have received numerous awards, including LUCIE International Photography Awards, Black & White Spider Awards, Women in Photography International, and Prix de la Photographie de Paris. Her work can be seen in publications such as Silvershotz, ArtisSpectrum, and Photographer’s Forum. She exhibits frequently in juried shows. Eleanor is represented by Ann Connelly Fine Art and Baton Rouge Gallery in Baton Rouge, Carol Robinson Gallery in New Orleans and by Agora Gallery in Chelsea, New York City.

Reviews of Eleanor’s images make reference to the poetic, contemplative nature of her work, while noting its “painterly qualities. luminous reflections, subtle tonal modulation, and dramatic shadow play.” Kerr’s images contain a stillness and level of abstraction that transports viewers to a place where they can experience the elemental forces of a magical and mysterious nature.
