Douglas Hoover

My passion is observing and capturing momentary impressions of life around me. Infusing these images with elements of realism, impressionism, good composition and brilliant color, allows me to capture the feeling of the moment. I want to paint what I see, but more than that, I want the feeling of the moment to become the subject of my paintings.

Douglas Hoover creates representational paintings with a slight impressionistic
quality. Using oils, he paints images of urban cityscapes and coastal lifestyles along
with portraiture from his home state of North Carolina. Douglas’ interest in creating art began at an early age with the encouragement of family and teachers. While in junior high school, he exhibited his artworks in several juried shows garnering many awards. This allowed him the experience of showing his workand the opportunity to gain exposure to a wider audience.

Having studied creative design and graphic arts in college, Douglas pursued a
successful career as a graphic designer and art director for the advertising industry.
Never losing sight of his artistic passion, he worked on creating his art at night
and on weekends, building a coherent body of work over time. Now working
as a full time artist, he not only creates his own work for exhibits and shows,
but also accepts commissions from private collectors. Abiding by the motto
“Never stop learning”, he continues to study painting and sketching and embraces
new techniques that he believes will challenge and help further his artistic skills.
Douglas’ original oil paintings and reproductions are currently shown in several galleries along the Carolina coast.
