Donald Neff

Donald Neff’s art is a product of his love for nature and the outdoors. Working in both oils and acrylic polymer, Neff creates work that reflects a colorful, realistic view of the land he travels. His paintings are typically centered around a water theme, whether High Sierra scenes, seascapes, or a graceful countryside. Neff is completely self-taught and his paintings convey a realistic perception of nature.

Although drawing and art have been steady interests since he was a child, Neff’s concentration on painting surfaced after college graduation and his establishment in a successful computer science career. What began as a pleasant pastime quickly became a compulsion.

Neff was born in Oregon and spent his childhood years in Pasadena, California, and eastern Texas. After moving to the San Francisco, California, area in the late 1970s, Neff founded and eventually sold a successful computer software company. He then retired from his computer science career to devote himself full time to his art. He still lives and paints in the San Francisco Bay area.
