Diane Dwyer

Diana Painter has twenty-five years of professional experience in historic preservation, urban design and urban planning, and architecture in California, the Northwest and the Northeast. Ms. Painter studied architectural design in the graduate programs at the University of Washington and University of Pennsylvania before earning her PhD in architectural history and theory at the University of Sheffield in Sheffield, England. She also holds a Masters Degree in Urban Planning and Certificate in Urban Design from the University of Washington. Her PhD dissertation focused on how models in architecture and urban design have been adapted over time to respond to technological and social change. Her master’s thesis explored the design and public involvement process for a large scale redevelopment project in Newcastle-on-Tyne. Ms. Painter also holds a BA in interdisciplinary design from Fairhaven College.

Ms. Painter has been awarded three American Planning Association Awards and been the recipient of two research fellowships, in Sheffield, England and Rome, Italy. She has taught architecture, urban design and historic preservation at the University of Washington, University of Sheffield, and Sonoma State University, and publishes and speaks regularly on planning, urban design and historic preservation issues.
