Chris Flisher

“My art is a boundless container that supports equality…The circle represents wholeness; the connectedness of all things, and is a model for the organizational structure of life itself…There are no corners and much like the mythological King Arthur and his round table, the circle and my art promotes oneness, equality, and a singular focus. I enjoy mixing cross-cultural themes and symbols in my art in an effort to express the possibility of oneness. If these symbols can exist side by side in a circular container, it introduces the possibility of peaceful co-existence between all religions, political beliefs, or spiritual dogmas. One world, one people. No borders, no boundaries.”

Chris Flisher has studied at the Boston Architectural Center; the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth; Emerson College, Boston; and Dean College, Franklin, all in Massachusetts. A self-taught artist, he has been creating spiritually-realized drawings for years, and has participated in several exhibitions. Drawing on a wide variety of influences, he finds his primary spark from his love of astrology. Astrology uses circles and cycles to represent the changing universe. Through a co-joining of ideas founded in architecture, geometry, astrology, cosmology, and spirituality he has sought to fuse the logic of the universe with the spiritual dimensions of the same.

The drawings evolve from the subconscious and are created in a stream of consciousness involving concentration and meditation. All designs, patterns, and symbols are original and one of a kind. The swirl of color, textures, and spiritual symbolism are all part of the process. Although these are not typical mandalas, they evolve from the same spiritual center and are offered to the universe for the collective good of all.

Flisher is also the host of the weekly radio talk show, “Turning of the Wheel,” on Contact Talk Radio. Incorporating astrology, art, and spiritual adventure, the shows provide a lively forum for exploring non-traditional methods for coping. Celebrating six years of continuous broadcasting, the radio shows continue to be a very popular download podcast from iTunes. His book, Mandalas ~ Spirit in Art is a unique addition at several museum bookstores in New York and New England.
