Chad Hagen

Chad Alice Hagen has been exploring hand-felted wool since 1980. She received her BA in Art and Master’s in Textile Design from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and her MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art. Her work has been featured on the covers of Fiberarts Magazine, Surface Design Journal and Shuttle Spindle & Dyepot. Articles and photos on her work have also appeared in American Craft Magazine, Echoes, and Fiberarts Design Books, among others.

Hagen’s hand-felted wool has been exhibited throughout the United States as well as in Mexico City, Japan, India, England and Denmark. Her work is included in the collections of the Mint Museum of Art+Design (Charlotte NC), The Minneapolis Institute of Art, the University of Wisconsin – Madison, in the corporate collections of B.F. Goodrich and Westinghouse, and in private collections.

She is the author of The Weekend Crafter: Feltmaking 2002, and Fabulous Felt Hats, 2004 and Fabulous Felted Scarves (with co-author Jorie Johnson). she has written numerous articles on the textile arts for Fiberarts, Echoes, Surface Design Journal, and Shuttle, Spindle & Dyepot, among others.

She has taught feltmaking extensively since 1984 to adults and children throughout the United States. Since 2000 she has taught spring classes in England, Holland, Ireland and Germany.

Hagen’s feltmaking specialty and passion is resist dyeing of hand-felted wool.
