Brian Cragrun

“I take great delight in the rich experience of being on location and seeing the color and light directly. Nothing is as satisfying as capturing that moment forever on canvas.”

Brian Cragun has always had an eye for inspiring artwork, and has always intently studied the styles of favorite artists. In 2001, he discovered his inner artist, and pursued classes in drawing and painting. Oils became his medium of choice. After studying with award winning plein-air artist Marc Hanson from Taylor’s Falls, Minnesota, he developed a love for painting on location.

Cragun specializes in local scenes from Southeast Minnesota, and is especially drawn to religious buildings. Currently, he studies with professional Kami Polzin of Stillwater. He has also studied with Greg Caron and Susan Hong-Sammons, and points to friendships with Larry Seiler and William Wray as influential in his style and subject-matter. A native of Logan, Utah, he has lived with his family in Rochester, Minnesota, since 1982, where he assists software developers to make software work for the blind and others with disabilities. He is also an active volunteer in his church.
