Ann Peck

Ann Peck, an American painter, is a resident of Topsham, Vermont, USA. She maintains art studios on both sides of the globe, spending half of the year in Vermont and the other half in India, accompanied by her husband, Bruce Peck, a copper plate etcher.
Ann holds a Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Drawing and Painting from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois. Influenced by Japanese spontaneous ink painters in graduate studies, she developed an abstract style where the brushstroke became the pivotal element in the painting, yet still derived her inspiration from nature. Not interested in a literal depiction of natural subjects, Ann requires participation from the viewer to interpret the work.
Travelling in southern India for the last 30 years, Ann was exposed to women’s village art, kolams, hand drawn symmetrical designs created on the ground, also made for the moment and kicked into the dust. Adopting a new medium, silk, and using 6 meter lengths of colorful silk sarees, Ann creates large wall hangings, 12 – 18 feet in size. “Not only did I fall in love with the intensity of color in the silk,” comments Ann, “but it is very appealing to pack a whole show into a suitcase.”

Ann Peck
