Alma Slotkin

Born Alma Isobel Rosenquist in Warren, Pa., Alma Slotkin became a registered nurse, spending part of her career at Buffalo General Hospital.

She married Dr. Edgar A. Slotkin, a Buffalo urologist, in 1942. He died in 1993.

She became active in the arts in 1948, signing up for a ceramics class. She showed up the wrong day and took a painting course instead. After a decade of painting, she became a prize-winning artist, starting in 1960 with the Mitchell Award for best watercolor in the Western New York Exhibition at Albright-Knox.

In 1961, she began studying under the renowned watercolorist Robert Blair, and in 1963 she joined six other Blair proteges to open Central Park Gallery with him. The storefront gallery operated for six years.

Sen. Robert F. Kennedy selected one of Mrs. Slotkin’s watercolors to hang in his office in 1965.

Mrs. Slotkin appeared as a painter in “Buffalo and the Sunday Painter,” the MGM film about Charles Burchfield. The film was shown in France.

Excerpted from The Buffalo News, (, accessed April 11, 2011. Copyright 2007

