Aaron Kuffner

Aaron Taylor Kuffner is an American born conceptual artist, based in New York. Kuffner’s dynamic work reaches far outside conventional forms of representation: it actively engages its audience and pushes art to serve society. His pieces often take the form of multi-year projects that require in depth research, collaboration with field experts and the development of new specialized skill sets. Each project provides unique conceptual tools that further the evolution of consciousness through the experience of beauty and the sublime.Kuffner has performed or presented work more than 400 times in 19 countries in the last twenty years. With the Gamelatron Project he exhibited with Sundaram Tagore Galleries in New York, Singapore, Hong Kong and at International art, music and cultural events. As the performing artist and composer Zemi17 , he records electronic music with The Bunker label. He has toured and recorded for several labels and productions since 1997, composing scores for Berlin’s Theater Thikwa, Cedar Lake Contemporary Ballet, and for Miriam Ghani and Erin Kelly Performed Places series. From 2009 –2011 Kuffner was part of an artist trio called “Emma” with sculptor Ryan O’Connor and entrepreneur
William Etundi. From 1998 – 2002 Kuffner was co-founder and director of the Ransom Corp experimental theater group and the curator of the Resonant Wave Multi Media Art festival in Berlin in 2002.
Higher Education
Institut Seni Indonesia di Yogyakarta, Karawitan and Ethnomusicology 2003 – 2006
San Francisco Art Institute, New Genres, 1996
Syracuse University, School of Visual and Performing Arts, 1993 – 1995
Advanced Classes, Private Lessons and Apprenticeships
Agus Purnomo, bronze gong fabrication, apprenticeship 2013 – 2015
Harry Gold, patina and metal finishing, private lessons 2014
Nikki Romanello, TIG welding of non-ferrous metals, private lessons 2013
League of Electronic Musical Urban Robots, Physical Computing and Machining, Apprenticeship 2008– 2009
Madagascar Institute, Steel Fabrication, Pyrotechnics, Advanced Classes 2007 – 2008
Made Rindhi, bronze key fabrication and tuning, apprenticeship 2004 – 2008
Wayan Sadera, Gamelan Selonding Techniques, Private Lessons 2004 – 2006
Ivan Flores, Percussion Training, Private Lessons 2004 – 2005
Wayan Sinen, Balinese Gamelan Techniques, Private Lessons 2003 – 2004
