Emma Knight

Artist’s Statement

The act of painting has been explored, and mastered by so many artists that some like to proclaim, “Painting is dead!” The idea that nothing new, mind-blowing or trendsetting can be achieved with paint frees me to explore the only thing that I can do uniquely with paint, my mark. Every painting I start is a challenge to myself. I’ve studied art, but find I use intuition much more that calculation. Which rules I choose to follow or break, each solution to each problem I cause leads to an image that only I would make. Sometimes success seems to originate from mistakes and accidents. In trying to solve these problems, a new idea will arrive…this alchemy keeps me repeating the process. Having returned to Richmond, Virginia after many years away, I have been focusing on landscapes that feature scenes from my hometown. I usually mix the paint right onto the canvas. I work from photographs, but I never stick to reality. Many layers of acrylic and then water-soluble oils , are applied onto the canvas using the “indirect method” a slow process, to help achieve more depth. I enjoy the process of presenting the image while infusing it with an otherworldliness by manipulating line, shape, texture, color.
